i've been starring at this screen for the past 20 minutes (at least)...n i still don't know what i should blog about today. i'm still thinking as i type this sentence. well, let's see...
the past week has been a roller coaster ride for me. it was fun, yet i was taking all the risk that i could take. i dont wanna elaborate too much on that, the point is, i had very important things to do in that week, yet i took chances n had fun. But, knowing myself pretty well, i wouldnt have had all the fun i had, if i knew for sure that my move on the chess board would end up in a check-mate.
Life can be fun, at the same time it can be hard. It's how we make decisions, it's how we choose, it's how we prioritize things that makes the huge difference in one's outlook towards life. To me, life's never easy. Everyday, we're faced with a different scenario, one that we can never predict. But yet, the next day, u're still standing stronger than ever, fighting the same battle. I guess with the challenges we face each day, it just makes us stronger - physically, emotionally and spiritually. You may be thrown into the deepest sea, yet swim ur way to shore. You may be lost in the hottest desert, yet find water. You may be stranded on a deserted island, yet stay alive. It's all up to you. The choices u make determines everything.
So to everyone who's reading this, choose wisely. One wrong move, n it can ruin everything that could have been. But whatever it is, in the words of Robert Frost, "I can sum up everything i've learned about life in three words: Life goes on."