Friday, January 27, 2006

My Friday

For once in a long long time, i'm not working on Friday. It's nice to NOT work on Friday. I get to enjoy a friday nite at home watching movies.

I spent the day running around 2 towns trying to get all my documents certified. Unfortunately for me, each person would only certify a maximum of 3 copies. Since i had 8 copies, i had to go to 3 different people. So finally got that done with, headed down to the post office and mailed all my documents out. Another hassle out of the way.

The weather is so wierd today. It was hot in the morning, n by evening it started to rain. I feel all so sticky today, reminds me so much of Malaysian weather. I could feel the heat rising from the ground.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Misunderstandings are certainly horrible

A close friend scolded me yesterday due to a misunderstanding that we had. I feel awfully bad. It was purely a mistake and was unintentional. Now, he is mad and annoyed at me. All i could do, was apologize. Whether or not he accepts my apology, that's another question. What i'm sure of, is that our friendship will never be the same, for i will never ever forget this incident. It will be etched in my mind always, whether i want it to be or not. It will always bug me.

1st post

This post is long overdue. 1st post for the year 2006. Well 2006 started off great and slowly mixed feelings hit me like a 10 tonne sledgehammer. Problems came and went, one by one. As if I were jinxed somewhat. I was undecided whether to stay here, or to return home for good. But then, good news came. I got a job offer, which helped me make my decision to stay put. Amist the joy, bad news managed to creep its way thru. My start date at my new job got delayed until and unless I get my visa extension. In 4 days, I spent $1000 AUD on my visa application. And that's not the end of it. I've still got lots more to pay. Unfortunately.

I guess you must be thinking that I had a pretty hard start for the new year. However, i still managed to find happiness and laughter in between all the complications of life. I had friends who truly cared n were willing to help me along the way. No matter how much or how little they did, whether it was a simple gesture as to listening, i truly appreciate. It is true what they say, u realize who ur true friends are when u are in most need of them.