Friday, September 08, 2006

Missing piece..

Something triggered my mind the other day and made me think about u. Thoughts and moments with u just flooded my brain. I miss the times i spent with u, the times we watched Jay Leno together, the times we watched The Man Show and the thing with girls on trampolines, the times we watched the comedy channel. The times we had supper at 3 or 4 in the morning. The times we just pig-out and just sleep thru the day, and the times we skipped classes. I miss ur jokes, i miss ur laughter, i miss ur presence. But most of all, i miss YOU!! I wished i could rewind time and spend all those great times with u again, unfortunately the world is just turning as it should. *Sigh* Miss u heaps though.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Ok..updates..i know it's been a long time since i've updated. A lot of things have been happening. Mostly good stuff. Great job, great colleagues, great managers, awesome ppl. All good.

On a different note, bday celebration this year was excellent! Such great memories. I cant really describe everything in words..its just so fresh in my memory as if it happened yesterday though. By far one of the best bdays ever.