Sunday, May 29, 2005


Have u ever felt like chopping off ur legs cos they hurt too much? I stood for so long today, my feet are aching! I wish i had a foot spa or something, but i dont. *sigh* It was one of those saturday nites at work today, very very busy, and i only reached home at almost 1am! I haven't been that late in a long time!

Anyways, jumping to another topic altogether, i know a lot of people who are goin thru a rough time in their life. On one hand, i symphatize for them, but on the other hand, life's never a smooth ride, it always has its ups and downs. I believe it's hard to tell someone to do something, when u yourself is not the one experiencing the situation. It's easier said than done. But watever it is, i also believe that u should always have faith in your self, n be strong! If u have even the slightest ray of hope, hold on to that hope, n don't ever let it go. If u give up now, u never know what might have happened.

However, everything around u is bound to change at one point or another. You can never live ur life in that one particular way forever. Things change. People change. Feelings change. Having said that, it comes a time when u have to eventually move on. Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.

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