...discovering yourself...
The journey of discovering yourself is a never ending journey. I'm pretty sure everyone's step foot on this path towards discovery. However, the question is, how far have u gone?
Along that journey, u will learn that ur life is made up of grains of sand. It's like a jigsaw puzzle. U discover urself piece by piece..till one day, u'll get the big picture. Some of us find something bad in our lives, n strive our very best to change it, to be a new person. And u try to forget the past. But isn't who u were, part of who u are? Sometimes, u don't really need to be the person u used to be, as much as the person u're trying to be. Don't u think so?
People ARE gonna disappoint u, u CAN expect that. But what if u wake up one day and u ARE the disappointment?
something to think about.
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