Sunday, March 05, 2006

How shallow can people get?

Some people are just meant to be born as idiots. It's such a pity that i have to come across someone like this, whom i'm sad to say is probably the biggest loser on the face of the earth. It's people like these who seriously make me wanna puke. They think so highly of themselves, thinking they are perfect and mighty and always right. They think everyone else is more stupid than themselves, n that no one else can beat them at anything.

One person in particular has made me realize how shallow a person can be. I'm not gonna name names here. This person claims that i've changed since we first met. N mind u, this was barely two whole months ago. I mean honestly, 9 out of 10 times our first impressions or first few impressions of a person is always wrong. It's only over time that u learn the true nature/personality of a person. So obviously there has to be some sort of change! I've only know this person for less than two whole months and each time we meet, only a few words/sentences is exchanged. And then one fine day this shallow person comes to me n says: "you've changed". At that time i just ignored this comment, cos lets face it, everybody changes. And now what's happened is that this person is no longer speaking to me. But like i care..y would i want to know a person who will be forever judging me.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's definitely that person's lost for not being able to know the inner you. Hahaha.. Oh well, in my opinion, you are better off without this person. :)

*JaNicE* said...

Thx renee!